Without Complaint

by TerryLema

1 Peter 4 has a small list of actions and attitudes which are to aid us in how he begins the chapter, “Living for God,” and how he ends the chapter, “Suffering for Being a Christian.”  The first two are prayer and love, then he turns his attention to ungrudging hospitality.  “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.”  [1 Peter 4:9

Hospitality is hospitality in either the Greek or the English. It’s opening our homes, our hearts, to others without grumbling or complaining about it

In Peter’s day there weren’t any Motel 6s or Holiday Inns where travelers could find rest on their journeys. Peter encourages his readers to make their homes a bed and breakfast for fellow Christians

Remember how he began this section?  “The end of all things is near, therefore

Peter anticipates that the times are going to get tougher as we approach the return of the LORD. Not only do we need to engage in watchful prayer and covering love for each other, we may need to actually open our homes and hearts when the time comes, as we may find ourselves without church buildings, without homes, facing persecution – even martyrdom

As the family of God, the body of Christ, we need to look out for each other.

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