This verse popped up this morning. Ps 138:8: “The LORD will perfect that which concerns me.” [NKJV]
The NIV translates it this way, “The LORD will fulfill [His purpose] for me.”
Then they both remind that the love / mercy of the LORD endures forever.
Occasionally, uncertain situations or circumstances can stretch out for long periods of time. Learning to trust the LORD while we are waiting to see the outcome can be difficult. I would like to be able to say that my faith, my trust in the LORD is always absolute and perfect. I really would like to be able to say that … but I can’t. Even at 72, after a half-century of serving the LORD, there are still times when my faith doesn’t measure up to what I think it should be.
It is during those times (one of which happened recently) that I need to remember that the fulfillment of God’s purpose for me is secure in Him. The LORD will perfect, the LORD will fulfill. I may get a bit wobbly at times, but God remains steadfast in my behalf. He will make it happen.
My imperfect faith, my wobbliness, cannot change God’s purpose or His ability to perfect and fulfill it for me … it will only make me miserable in the waiting.
Once again, God proved Himself steadfast in my behalf. Once again, I made myself miserable while waiting to see Him do it. You would think after all these years I would have learned that, wouldn’t you?