My grandsons in California attend a Christian School. It hosted Grandparents Day on the National Day of Prayer. The visitors sat around beautifully decorated tables and listened as the K-5th graders sang worship and praise songs, recited Scripture and prayed.
Later we sat in tiny chairs in their classrooms and did a cute cookie project with our grandson. The teacher asked each of the grandparents in the room to give one short “word of wisdom” for the children. She recorded these so she could give them to the class later.
One grandparent was thankful for this Christian school. The teacher in the class echoed that thought. She was thankful that she could teach not just subjects, but also her love for the LORD. I think she said she’d been teaching for 40 years. It was evident she loved Jesus. I wondered how many little ones she had touched for Christ during those years.
Another grandfather gave his word of wisdom and then added that he was a volunteer in a prison. He talked about the sadness and hopelessness of the young men he worked with, men who had no knowledge at all of the true meaning of Christmas or Easter … men who had never had anyone input the love of God into their lives.
I was reminded of how important the words of Psalm 78:4 are: “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” [NIV]
I looked at these 4th graders and prayed they would always remember the LORD, and I thanked God for godly parents, grandparents, teachers, and all those committed to “telling” the next generation.