I am wearing a brace on my left hand. It’s a black, bulky and quite visible. I’m doing it because some arthritis at the base of my thumb is pressing on a tendon so that I developed tendonitis in both my thumb and elbow. I have what is usually referred to as “tennis elbow” without any of the benefits of playing tennis.
The visibility of the brace often causes people to ask, “What did you do?” When I first started getting those questions I explained, arthritis … tendonitis … thumb … elbow, etc., all the while watching their eyes glaze over as they wondered why they ever asked that question in the first place.
Now when they ask, I simply say, “sport’s injury.” That usually brings up a quick question as they look at my 72-year-old body and wonder what possible sport I play that would cause my injury. My response, “Extreme Crocheting.”
I love to crochet. Crocheting, along with reading, are my favorite things. I can sit for hours following a pattern or designing my own. I’ve even won awards for Best of Show for all crocheted items of any type at the State Fair multiple years. But now, I can barely do a minute before everything starts to ache. So, I wear the brace and I hope that one day I’ll be able to return to my yarn.
I’m not sure what I am supposed to learn from this or if there is even a lesson here to be learned. Maybe it is simply that I need to make room in my life for more of God. There’s nothing wrong with crocheting, as habits go, it’s a good one. But maybe, just maybe, the Good needs to step aside now for the Best. Father God, I need more of You!
Matthew 6:33: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
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