Vivofits, Car Bluetooth, God’s Spirit

by TerryLema

Sync. That word is a shortened version of the word synchronized. I’m becoming more and more familiar with it. For the last several years, every morning I sync my Garmin Vivofit with my computer. What was recorded on my Vivofit (which I wear on my wrist) is now uploaded to my computer. There I can see how much many steps or miles I walked, calories I burned, etc. And once it is uploaded to my computer, I can then compare it with other days to see if I am progressing or not.

With the arrival of my new car, Black Bart, into my life, I also have become more aware of “Sync.” That is a program that is part of Bart’s accessories that syncs with my phone and other things. I can call people by just telling “Sync” to dial …. It also informs me that a text message has come in and will even read it to me!

So, sync is a good word. Have you thought about applying sync to your walk with the Savior? Are you in sync with Him? Are you syncing with Him daily? It has sure given me pause!

It’s made me wonder if I sync more with my Vivofit/computer and Black Bart’s “Sync” program than I do with Jesus. We are almost to the end of 2018, Christmas is a day away. This may be a good time, before the new year begins, to make sure I’m “syncing” daily, perhaps even moment-by-moment with my LORD.

1 Thessalonians 2:12“…walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory.”  [NKJV]

Father, I love you. I want to spend my life in sync with You and Your will. I need Your Spirit! Amen.

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