Real Power

by TerryLema

Have you noticed the movies and video games that are out now? Notice a theme that runs through almost all of them?  It may be defined by one word – POWER.

Our culture is hungry for someone that has power, real power…the kind of power that makes things right. We don’t have it in our politics. We don’t have it in our educational systems. And sadly, we often don’t have it in our churches. So, what does that leave? Hollywood steps in and provides imaginary, powerful, mighty superheroes on the screen, on television and in video games.

When Isaiah foretold of the character and nature of the Messiah to come, his second title was “Mighty God.” “His name will be called, Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God….”

 This one to come will be “mighty.” The shortened version of the word is “gibbor (ghib-bore) and it means powerful. It describes a warrior, champion, or chief who is mighty, strong and valiant.

Not only will He be “mighty,” He will be “God.” The Hebrew word is “El” and it is used only of Jehovah God. The One to come is God Himself, Mighty, Strong, and Valiant.  God is not some impersonal force, He is not distant or uninterested in us. As John says, The Word was God …. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  [John 1:1, 14]

 Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. The Word, God Himself, came to us in flesh and blood and dwelt with us. He is Mighty God. There is no power like His power. Hollywood can have their make-believe superheroes, I’ll take the real, eternal power – our Mighty God!

“Wonderful counselor, Mighty God.”

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