If there is anything that being blessed should do in us, it is to cause us to become people of joy and praise, people who exalt in who God is and what God does.
“Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness.” [Ps 89:15-16]
“Acclaim” in the original language indicates a roar of joy or a battle-cry (KJV joyful noise) – both fit the Christian walk. I love to hear the saints of God worship and praise their Savior. I love to see hands in the air, hear the clapping and shouts, singing and joy. There is something that ministers deeply in us when we rejoice.
The psalmist reminds us that we are to rejoice in the Name of the LORD all day long! It is not just a Sunday-Morning-Go-To-Meeting rejoicing. We exult God in every situation and setting.
When I drive to and from work each day I pray for a safe trip, that I might be a good Christian witness and that I might go in the strength of the LORD through my day. Then I rejoice. And when I rejoice, I sense God’s presence with me. My car becomes filled with the praises of God, those “How Happy!” (blessed) shouts of joy.
Thank you, LORD, I am blessed to praise You and rejoice in You. Amen.