God is good. All the time. All the time. God is good. I’ve heard that declaration and response cited many times. We say it, but do we think about what it says? Do we believe it? Is God good? Is He good when the circumstances around us are not? Is He good when illness strikes? Is He good all the time? Or is He good only during the times all is going well?
Do you know that what you think or know about God will either invite you to know Him more or it will become a wall to knowing Him at all? What do I mean by that?
Remember the Parable of the Talents? You can find it in Matthew 25. Jesus told the story of a master who called three servants into his presence before he went on a trip. He gave one five talents, another two talents and the last one talent. When the master returned he called each back into his presence. The first with the five talents had doubled them and returned ten to the master, the second with the two had also doubled his and returned four talents to the master. The master’s response, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” [vs 21-22]
The last servant however, had not done anything with his. He simply buried his talent and gained nothing to give back. This servant viewed the master differently. The first two saw him as a good master, one who would reward them for their faithfulness. The third viewed the master as a hard, demanding man, so he did nothing to please him. He gained nothing, returned nothing, and ultimately received nothing.
Our view of our Great and Almighty Master will determine whether we gain or lose, whether we pursue or ignore Him. So, is God good? All the time? For me, the answer is a resounding “Yes!”