I am working in the same department as a temp this year as I did last year. I’m doing just about the same work. It was a lot easier to get up to speed this year than last. Last year I knew nothing at all about what I was supposed to do. I knew so little, in fact, that I didn’t know enough to even ask the right questions. Knowing what question to ask is vitally important in all of life.
Peter, in his second letter, gives us a list of virtues in that first chapter that we are to add to our faith. The first one was arete, goodness. The second one—knowledge. We are to add to our goodness, knowledge. But what knowledge do we need? We must know what we need to know before we can ask the right questions and pursue the acquiring of knowledge.
And wait, didn’t Paul tell us that knowledge “puffs up” in 1 Corinthians 8:1? So, who do we believe? Paul, who says that knowledge puffs us up, turns us into arrogant know-it-all’s? Or Peter, who tells us to add knowledge to our faith?
We believe both. Peter is specific on the kind of knowledge we need. Verse 2, “…through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” Verse 3, “…knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” Verse 8, “…knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
We are to know God in all his glory and goodness. We are to know Jesus Christ our Savior and LORD. We are to know Him in increasing measure. This knowledge will never puff us up if it grounded in goodness and in the One Who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
I want to know you LORD! In all Your goodness, glory and grace. I want the knowledge of You to permeate every part of my life! Grant my plea, O God. Amen