When I get in the car each weekday, I face a 60-mile round trip to my temp work location. I’ve got two choices, a 2-lane highway and the interstate. Each one has problems, depending on the time of day. I pray as soon as I put the Jeep in drive. I pray that God will keep others from hurting/hindering me and that I might not hurt or hinder others. I pray that God will help me merge, yield, change lanes, etc. I also pray that I’ll be a good witness of Christ, for strength, and anything else I think I might need for that day.
Despite all the prayer, there are still what I call “Grrr Moments.” Last Tuesday I left home, headed out on the highway, had all my prayers said, including one that morning that my heart would be right with God. About halfway to work, a mere 20 minutes from prayer, I lost my temper and had a “Grrr Moment” when cars just stopped for no good reason in front of me to watch painters stripe the road – on the other side of the highway.
“Grrr” escaped my heart and lips. I told God how people could be so frustrating sometimes. Then I heard God whisper, “now you know how I feel.”
I knew He meant me. I am often frustrating to Him. I yearn to do the right things but end up “Grr-ing” through some event or interaction. I find my anger often rises about the silliest things. I pray, and 20 minutes later I “Grr.” I started to laugh as I thought about how I’m surely as frustrating to God as people around me can be to me. Then I repented.
God forgive me my “Grr Moments.” Help me to be more like your Son, no matter what circumstance I am facing. Amen.