The Theme

by TerryLema

We are coming to the end of September. My personal emphasis this month has been in the psalms. Of course, my personal emphasis often spills over into the church (and my devotions), but that’s just the way it is with shepherds. We are coming to the end of this month and I’ve been thinking about where to go from here. What will be my emphasis in October, possibly even November? I’m leaning toward the letters of Peter.

When Jesus told Peter to feed His sheep, His lambs, Jesus changed Peter’s life completely. We see that throughout the beginning chapters in the book of Acts. Peter preaching on the day of Pentecost, Peter bravely standing up to the Jewish leaders, Peter opening the door to the Gentiles with his visit to Cornelius.  This shaky, often blustery man was changed by His Lord and Shepherd. What does he say to the sheep Jesus gave him?  How did Peter see his life after Jesus changed him? What better way to see the change in Peter than to read his letters.

As I opened the first letter I was struck as I always am by verse 3. “Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to His great mercy, He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” [Christian Standard Bible]

I could spend a month in that verse alone. Look at the concepts … Praise … God and Father … His great mercy … New Birth … Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  AND, that one that always strikes at my heart … Living Hope!

As I read and listen and watch what is going on in the world I realize if there is one word which describes our world in our time, it would be “hopeless.” The world has “no hope.” Peter came to understand that in God’s mercy, there is the offer of not just “hope,” but, “living hope.”  I think the theme of Peter’s changed life is “living hope.”  I pray that is the theme of your changed life (and mine) in Christ Jesus.

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