I want to continue with Paul’s letter to Philemon through just one more verse. Verse 7 closes out that first paragraph in Paul’s letter. Paul has reminded Philemon that he has prayed for him and that he is continuing to pray for him. Now he tells Philemon what Philemon’s faith and love has accomplished in Paul’s own life. “For I have great joy and encouragement from your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother.” [Christian Standard Bible]
As Paul heard of Philemon’s love and care for other saints of God, it refreshed his own heart. It brought joy and encouragement to Paul, whose life was often fraught with trials and difficulties. While Philemon’s acts of kindness and mercy weren’t to Paul particularly, Paul was able to gain inspiration and cheer from them. There is something about faith in Christ and love for him that unites the saints of God more closely than any outward relationship can unite the people of the world.
Our faith unites us in supernatural ways not only to God, it unites us supernaturally to God’s children. The same Spirit of Christ that indwells me, indwells all God’s children. I share the same nature, imparted by Christ, with them. There is no way that relationships birthed solely of this world can be like that.
That is why, when I see the good done by one Christian for another, I can be inspired and cheered. Or when I see one act of mercy and love extended by a part of God’s family to those who don’t know Christ, I can rejoice and be glad.
There is no jealousy or envy when I see someone being used of God for His Kingdom, for when one Christian advances the Gospel in this world, all Christians are benefited.