Knowing Every Good Thing

by TerryLema

Paul in his letter to Philemon began with his standard salutation … “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,” and then he immediately made note of his prayers for Philemon.  “I always thank my God when I mention you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and faith toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints.”

But Paul doesn’t stop with just noting he has prayed for Philemon and thanked God for him in the past. He goes on to show Philemon his continual prayers for him. “I pray that your participation in the faith may become effective through knowing every good thing that is in us for the glory of Christ.”  [v4-6 Christian Standard Bible]

What an interesting prayer!  Paul reminds Philemon that it is in actively participating and sharing the faith that we gain a fuller understanding (knowledge) of every good thing we have in Christ Jesus. And that cycle continues because the fuller knowledge we have of every good thing that is ours in Christ makes us participate in sharing that faith even more. Simply put, the more I know of God, the more I want others to know. And the more I share with others, the more knowledge of God I gain, especially as I see Him at work in their lives.

Our faith is not static but to be ever growing. Our knowledge of God is to be ever expanding and deepening. We are never to be satisfied with where we are or what we know.  There should be a hunger in us to know more of God and to grow exponentially in faith as the knowledge of Him increases. And as faith grows and knowledge increases, our passion to share the good things we have in Christ Jesus with others should become greater and greater.

Father, may I know you and love you more and more every day. May my desire to share my faith in Your goodness also become greater. Amen.

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