Senator John McCain died last week. He was a war hero, a POW in the Viet Nam War. Even though he was often called a ‘maverick,’ he served his country with dignity, integrity and honor. Many thoughts have been shared about him. The one I like best came from President George W. Bush. “Some lives are so vivid, it is difficult to imagine them ended. Some voices are so vibrant, it is hard to think of them stilled.”
Whether or not we always agreed with him politically or on issues, McCain was a man of honorable character. That can’t always be said of politicians or anyone else for that matter. All too frequently lately we have seen the failures and hypocrisy of men and women displayed across the media.
“We also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.” [Rom 5:3-4 Christian Standard Bible]
Affliction produces endurance. Senator McCain certainly knew times of affliction in his life, but we must always remember, affliction alone cannot produce anything. It is only when affliction is met rightly that it bears good fruit. Many have fallen into bitterness of soul when faced with afflictions.
Our words, our actions, our responses to life will prove our character. They will make it visible for all the world to see. We may be people of honorable character; or we may be people of dishonorable character. We may even be able to keep our bad character hidden from others for a while, but eventually that will prove a fruitless endeavor. What we are inside will be seen by all.