Every Other Day

by TerryLema

I saw a one-frame cartoon on Facebook a week or so ago. It showed Charlie Brown and Snoopy sitting on the ground facing a sunrise or sunset in the background. Charlie Brown says to Snoopy, “We are all going to die one day, Snoopy.”

It’s Snoopy’s response that has stayed with me, Yes, but every other day we are going to live.”

Wow. Can it be that simple?

We worry so much about dying that we forget that is only one day, while we have years of days to live. Some may have more than others, but I don’t think God is concerned with quantity of days as much as quality of days. After all, He is already aware of the number of days we have. “…all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.”  [Psalm 139:16b Christian Standard Bible]

What are we doing with our days? Are we living them in abundance of God’s grace and mercy? Are we bringing the light of Christ into the darkness of others’ lives? Are we seeking our daily bread from the source? Are we drinking in the Living Water? Are we growing in Christ Jesus … loving each other the way He loved us? Are we caring for the poor of this world, the blind, the naked, the imprisoned as He commanded?

Are we living every day we have or merely going through the motions? Every day presents opportunities to grow in our relationship with God and our relationship with people.

Let’s live with an every other day we are going to live attitude and let God handle that one day we are going to meet Him.

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