I have never been one to spend the day in my PJ’s. My morning routine is to awaken early, post my devotions, read my Bible, pray, write, prep for Sunday’s message. After a couple hours, I head to the shower and then get dressed – do my hair and sometimes even add makeup. Then breakfast and a walk. I ditch the PJ’s early.
I know lots of people relish spending the day in their PJ’s and I think that’s great, but it’s never been my thing. Last Saturday was different. Bob left early in the morning to do some local fishing, thinking he’d be back by noon. I did my morning routine, but instead of putting on jeans and a t-shirt, I put on a clean pair of PJ’s. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, so I spent the entire day in them, enjoying every minute.
Taking a break and lounging about in PJ’s is something we can do without much consequence. It’s not going to have any long-term effect on our lives. But failure to clothe ourselves every day with the Lord Jesus Christ will have consequences.
Paul reminds us in Romans 13: “Do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed…. Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” [vss 11, 14]
We need to be ready – understanding that the LORD could return at any time. We need to clothe ourselves spiritually every day with the righteousness found in our Lord Jesus Christ, putting aside thoughts that spring from the desires of our fallen nature. We need to be awake and be prepared!