Be Encouraged

by TerryLema

I want to finish my meditation out of Psalm 37 this morning with a most wonderful thought. God delights in His children.  Yes, He does. It says so in Ps 37:23-24:  The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His hand.  [NKJV]

It also says so in Psalms 35:27 (The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant) and 147:22 (The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love) Yes, God delights in those who trust in Him and seek to follow His way.

I remember when our children were little. There were times as I watched them learn to walk and talk, as their language skills developed along with their curiosity, that all I wanted to do was delight in them. They were the best part of every day. They made me laugh and smile and love them even more, if that were possible. As they grew and so did their interests and accomplishments, I still found my delight in them. As I’ve watched them now parent their own children, my delight in them has spread to the grands also.

As little ones when they fell, I ran to them to pick them up and hold them. I held on to them with my hands to keep them from falling again. As they grew and sometimes failed, I stood by them, ready to offer my hand through encouragement and wisdom.

I’m a failed, weak, flawed human being. If I delight in my children this way, can you even imagine the magnitude of a perfect, powerful God’s delight in His own? Oh beloved, God delights in you, orders your steps. He picks you up when you fall. He holds you by His Strong Right Hand so that you will not fall again. Meditate on that thought today! Be encouraged.

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