My oldest and only grandson in Idaho is moving to Western Oregon. Carter is my ethnic food adventure partner. For as long as I can remember, he and I have enjoyed trying out every new ethnic food restaurant that calls the Treasure Valley home. We have eaten at Greek, Indian, Vietnamese, Himalayan and lots of others. Monday, we dined at a Bosnian restaurant (which I really liked!).
I love trying new things with him, like yak mo mo’s, moussaka and sirnica. I am going to miss my culinary adventure partner, because I know I’m not going to get Bob to try any of this! He got as far as Baba Ghanoush and quit.
I love my children. I adore my grandchildren. It’s a special kind of relationship. I’ve heard it described as all the fun of being around kids, without the responsibility. While that is true in some ways, it’s not in others. We have a responsibility to and for our children’s children … and their children if we live long enough to see them.
We must be a stable influence for Christ, teaching them the love of the Lord through our words and our actions. We need to pray for them that they hold strong and steady after we are gone. But more than anything, we need to show them our love for them is completely unconditional and will never waver – no matter what phase they may be going through at the time or how badly they are driving their parents crazy! When they come to us, they will always find someone who loves them and finds the best in them.
Solomon was right when he wrote, “Children’s children are a crown to the aged….” [Proverbs 17:6 NIV]