The Kingdom of our Lord and Christ

by TerryLema

It’s been a very busy week with the kitchen reconstruction. Wednesday, so far, was the worst. Three different craftsmen worked on three different parts of the reconstruction. The front door was left open so they could run in and out, which meant we had a house full of flies by evening. There were all kinds of power saws in our front yard and driveway for both wood, laminate and tiles. Tools were scattered all over the kitchen, and then there was the abundant aroma of glue that permeated everything. That day left me with a headache and feeling really ragged by nightfall.

We still aren’t done. Laminate flooring and painting, staining cabinets, carpet cleaning etc., still need to be finished. Probably more noisy saws and more smelly glue. There is also a layer of wood and laminate dust on every surface, from our bedding and furniture to wall hangings and ceiling fans. Everything I touch is gritty. I foresee days of cleaning.

I know there’s a plan behind all this. I saw it outlined on five single sheets of paper. Who knew (well at least I didn’t) that the plan to make all things right would create such chaos before it culminated!

God has a plan also.  We read of its culmination in Revelation. “The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: ‘The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.’” [11:15 NIV]

As you read the Book of Revelation, you’ll notice that while the declaration of the culmination of God’s plan (which He had before the world’s creation) occurs in chapter 11, there’s a whole lot of chaos that follows. There are plagues and bowls of judgment, the destruction of Babylon, and chaining of the great dragon and false prophet, just to name a few.

Still, no matter the chaos, God’s plan is sure.  The kingdom of this world is the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ … and He will reign forever and ever.


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