“I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast! And when I run I feel his pleasure.” –Eric Liddell
Watching the moving “Chariots of Fire” always inspires me to run my race with more vigor. Liddell’s quote above also reminds me that we each have a God-given purpose in life. Liddell’s purpose that he refers to, of course, was his mission for Christ to China. He ran races, and he was fast, but his purpose was to spread the Gospel to his second homeland, China.
Paul reminded Timothy of his own purpose shortly before he died. “And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle-I am telling the truth, I am not lying-and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.” [1 Tim 2:7 NIV]
We all need a God-given purpose. Suicide is on the rise in every state in our union, from 1% in Nevada to 43% in other states. Without knowing our God-given purpose in life, it can be extremely difficult to persevere through the bad times. The enemy knows how to shout in our ear that we are worthless, useless and that no one cares whether we live or die.
We are not worthless, unworthy yes, but God was willing to pay a high price to redeem His creation. We are not useless, no matter our age or physical ability, God can and will use us if we allow Him. He will not spurn a willing heart. And may I be so bold as to say that God cares whether we live or die. He wants us to live abundantly in Him until He calls us home.
Beloved, never, ever, let the enemy of your soul tell you that are worthless, useless or that no one cares! You have a God-given purpose!