Spirit, lead me on level ground.

by TerryLema

I’m getting ready to head out the door for my morning walk and I’m thinking about the new “sidewalks” upon which my feet will soon step. I’m anticipating their level, smooth surface. I know it sounds silly, but while walking outside is such a delight in many ways, for an older woman with balance issues, it can be distracting or difficult also.  I find that instead of focusing on the beautiful sky or listening to my worship music and singing along with it, I’m focused on my feet and my balance.

With these new, level sidewalks, I am not walking with my head down looking at the ground. I am head held high and striding with confidence.  I wrote yesterday about what joy there is in giving God our best in the mornings and on these new level walkways I can do just that.  Thinking of these sidewalks also reminds me of a  verse in the psalms.  Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. [Ps 143:10 NIV]

The KJV says, lead me into the land of righteousness.

The word for “level ground” and “land of righteousness” is miyshowr (mee-shore’) and means literally a level, even place. It is used figuratively as uprightness, or righteousness. I truly appreciate the NIV’s translation of this verse.  Anyone who has walked on uneven ground knows the toll it takes compared to walking on level ground. That applies to the spiritual as well as the physical!

God, teach me! Lead me! May Your Good Spirit lead me on level, even ground as I walk this journey with You. Amen & Amen.

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