What does it matter?

by TerryLema

I was scrolling through my email inbox and spotted this. “STOP EVERYTHING! something HUGE is coming!”

I started to laugh! Of course, it was an announcement of a semi-annual sale by a company who wants something from me – my money. Still, maybe it is more than that. Maybe it is God’s way of reminding me this early morning that something HUGE really is coming. And it won’t cost me money, but it will cost me everything.

It will cost my worship, prayer, sacrifice, and giving. Oh, and one other thing, my obedience, my complete obedience.

Obedience opens the door to power. Obedience opens the door to God’s presence. Obedience will open the door to Revival!  Remember what God told King Saul through the prophet Samuel in 1 Kings 15? “What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to His voice?”

Read 1 Kings 15 today. Read how King Saul did almost everything God told him. He obediently destroyed all the people but disobediently kept their king alive. He obediently destroyed all the worthless animals but disobediently kept the good ones. Then he made excuses for his partial obedience. God would have none of it.

Our obedience must be complete obedience. What does any of it matter if we don’t obey God?

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