Called to Be Free

by TerryLema

Tomorrow is Memorial Day.  Many think it is National BBQ or National First Camping Trip of the Year Day. It’s not.  Memorial Day is the day we honor all those men and women who gave their lives so that others might be free.  My husband, the former Marine, will get up early and head down to the Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery.  He’ll park his truck and ride the shuttle up the hill to the cemetery grounds and participate in the memorial service that is held there.  He’s proud of his service, as he should be.

There is something in all of us, a God-given desire to be free.  Yet, like many God-given desires, the enemy of our soul often perverts that desire into something God never intended it to be.  Paul issued a warning to the church in Galatia about using our freedom other than how God intended.

“You, my brothers [and sisters], were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” [Gal 5:13-15 NIV]

We are not to use our freedom to indulge our sinful nature, our “flesh” as the KJV calls it. We are to use our freedom instead to serve others. Paul says that can be summed up in a single command, to love our neighbors as ourselves. Then he warns us that if we don’t serve each other in freedom, we will end up devouring and destroying each other in sinful living.

Remember: sin always kills something when it is given reign in our lives. It not only harms the sinner but harms those close to them.  Love serves; and through service, it sets free.

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