I always have intense feelings when we visit our California grandsons, the oldest almost 15 and the youngest now 9. My yearnings bubble to the surface and I want to move back to California to be near them. I’ve missed so much of their lives. This trip, like always, God reminded me once again that He wants me in Idaho.
I wear a Garmin Vivofit to monitor my activity and tell me the date and time. It’s supposed to change time zones when I sync it with my computer. When I arrived I manually changed the computer from Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) to Pacific. The Vivofit instructions told me that all I need to do to change to the correct time zone was to press the sync button. I did. Nothing happened. I tried to sync my Garmin with my computer repeatedly, and the time would not change. It was frustrating. I finally gave up and left it on MDT.
As I mused on Friday morning about returning to Boise, missing the grandsons once again, thinking about moving back to California, I started to laugh. OK God. Message received loud and clear. I’m to remain (like my Garmin did) in MDT. God’s work for me is in Idaho, at least for the present.
Jesus reminded us that in this life there will be separations, many simply by distance. We must be obedient to go where He sends us and to work where He puts us. Our reward is that one day, there will be no distance and no separations when we inherit eternal life.
“Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children [or grandchildren] or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” [Matt 19:29 NIV]
Lord, looking forward to that day! Father, I pray that all my children, their spouses and my grandchildren rejoice with me together around Your Throne in that eternal day.