Thursday, we attended grandparents’ day activities at Modesto Christian School (MCS) where our grandsons attend. The pre-school through fifth grade put on a performance of Christian music and Scripture verses to commemorate the National Day of Prayer also. Some of the songs they chose to sing weren’t all that easy either! (“The End of the Beginning,” “God’s Not Dead” and others)
They also had three young girls worship dance with flags while the different grade levels changed places. I’m not sure when I started to cry but I think it was when the youngest girl worshipped with her flags to “Flame of Fire, Rushing Wind.” She was so in tune with the music and her face almost rapturous as she twirled and spun around on the stage. After that it was silent tears running down my face.
California is not an easy state in which to be a Christian. That was evident as we talked to some of the grandparents lined up waiting for the doors to open. I realized as I watched these little ones sing and recite and worship that this next generation of Christ followers is not going to have it easy. Yet God will always have a remnant, and I was watching many little ones who will be part of that remnant should the Lord tarry.
It is so important that we teach and train the next generation. Right now, they are the target of the enemy. He will do anything and everything to claim our young ones. He’s bidding high for their souls not just in California but in every place the name of Christ is called upon. We must bid even higher.
“We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” [Ps 78:4 NIV]