I woke up Monday morning tired, sore, too much sugar in my system, facing not only a messy but a dirty house that’s been neglected for a bit, laundry, Walmart, and the beginning of a 40-day prayer gathering (from today through Pentecost, May 20). I think I had more on my to-do list, but my brain was a bit too foggy still from a rough night of sleep.
This year’s Holy Week seemed busier. My first reaction was “Glad that’s done!” Then I realized that, thankfully, it’s not “done.” The Easter holiday may be behind me with all its demands, but Resurrection is still with me in all its joys.
One thought kept resounding on Sunday and was still with me Monday morning. I posted that thought on Facebook … “how wonderful it is to know A Risen Lord – Jesus the Christ. I wonder what those who don’t know Him actually celebrated Easter Sunday? Without Christ, Easter is nothing to celebrate!”
Apart from Christ there is no joy in resurrection. People may carry the mistaken impression that just dying gets you to heaven and into the presence of God; but, without Christ, just dying gets you to judgment and into the presence of the Eternal Judge. There is no joy in that!
The same Jesus who promised that He would rise from the dead after three days, also said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” [John 14:6 NIV]
Rising from the dead brought confirmation to both claims! Thank you, Lord Jesus!