by TerryLema

To know, love and serve Him brings eternal happiness.  The one thing that never changes about living life in this world is that everything changes.  Change is a constant companion. We either learn that early or we will be constantly frustrated and upset. Change affects the small things and change affects the big things.

I spent weeks looking for a good protein bar, one with high grams of protein and low grams of carbohydrates, and no sugar alcohols. Most high protein bars have lots of protein, but they also have too many carbs, some I’ve seen have as many carb grams as three slices of bread. And the ones with low carbs are often supplemented with sugar alcohols which I can’t digest.

I was so happy when I found one that exactly fit my needs.  And I enjoyed it for about two months and then they quit making it. When I asked why it was no longer stocked, they told me that the company was “improving” it. Change.

If only change would remain on that miniscule level, but it doesn’t. Often the change we must adjust to is accompanied by loss and grief. We lose loved ones, financial stability, employment, health. Those types of changes can rock us for a long time.

God promises us that when we know, love and serve Him in this life, we will have eternal happiness in the next. It’s hard to imagine a happiness that is never affected by change or shaken by loss, but that is the promise our God has given to those who love Him.

“And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.” [Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 NIV]


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